I have already written about the difference between self-esteem and self-worth (here). Today, I would like to mention the impacts that the illusion of self-esteem creates on leadership.
We glorify achievement, status, and external validation.
We measure ourselves, and are measured, by what we do and how we perform.
That’s fragile self-esteem, fleeting, and dependent on others’ approval.
What about self-worth? That unwavering sense that we are enough, regardless of titles, achievements, or accolades?
I, like many of you out there, used to thrive on chasing success defined by others. I proved myself one accomplishment after another. The high-performing executive on the fast track.
And deep down? How many of you despite the prestigious work/accomplishments feel empty?
In leadership, we see this everywhere. Highly competent people that appear confident on the outside and that inside are struggling with self-doubt and burnout. Why? Because we’re driven by esteem, not worth. Please remember: we can have high self-esteem and low (very low) self-worth.
I want you to think and reflect on:
• Do you measure your value by productivity and performance?
• How much of your leadership identity is shaped by doing versus being?
• What if we valued self-worth as much as performance, what would change?
I am not suggesting you to drop your goals or prestigious careers, I am asking you to accept your messy, imperfect, ever-evolving selves. This is self-compassion. Leadership in 21st Century needs to me more than effective; it needs to be caring, compassionate and courageous.
I invite you to challenge the self-esteem narrative in your workplace and make room for creative, unstructured practices that let you be without judgment; like Messy Art, which taught me to embrace my humanity beyond perfection.
What stories are you telling yourself about your worth? Are they yours or borrowed from a society obsessed with success?
I like to refer to leadership as Humanship. Lead not just with confidence, but with integrity!
I invite you to embody a leadership presence that is grounded in compassion, care, collaboration, and courage.
If you are looking for developing a leadership capable of fostering organisational and individual flourishment have a look at our program Artful Leadership and all other Artful Programs.
If you’re interested in learning more about my services and would like to discuss any consultancy, workshops, talks, please reach out.
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