Who do you need to be-come to do the work you aspire to do?
I have written a lot about the Quality of Being as the foundation of what we do. If you are familiar with ReNEWBusiness work you know that our motto is "The Quality of what we Do depends on the Quality of who we Are". You can read from the archive resources on Entitlement; Genuine Care; and Witnessing as a foundation of leadership.
The quality of what we do is inseparable from the quality of who we are. It is the foundation of every relationship, every creation, and every act of service. There is no hiding from it. Every word spoken—or left unsaid—every action taken—or avoided—reveals our essence.
This is not about perfection. It is about integrity. About showing up with awareness, courage, and responsibility. To serve others, to solve problems, to create something meaningful, we must first be honest about who we are. If we deflect, if we blame, if we disconnect from ourselves, we betray not only our clients but also the work itself.
We are always in conversation—with ourselves, with others, with the world. And in that conversation, our being speaks louder than our doing. If we are not willing to listen, to grow, to own our part, then we do not deserve the work. Because true work—the kind that transforms, heals, and builds—demands nothing less than our whole, authentic selves. Remember this before asking for a "job", before taking any client:
So before we ask what we can do, let us first ask: Who are we willing to be?
The true teachers of our time are not the loudest voices, but the ones who move with clarity and purpose. The ones who ask, What is the true cost of this path? and What else might be possible?
If that’s you—let’s find the answers together. Have a look at RNEWB services. Don’t be shy, reach out. For more info about my work have a look at RNEWB and all Artful-Programs.
If you’re interested in learning more about my services and would like to discuss any consultancy, workshops, talks, please reach out.
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