We are inhabited by thoughts, ideas, feelings and energy. A creative energy that must be expressed to maintain our emotional well-being.
Expression, and self-expression are not only for "artists and creatives" they are at the core of our fundamental human needs. We all have this need and have to find ways to fulfil it to prosper and thrive. When we cannot fulfil it we try to impress rather than express. A sort of short-cut, an illusion to feel part of something and connect with others and the world around us. Instead of expressing truthfully and wholeheartedly our struggles, challenges and deep desires we try instead to bypass them by impressing others with the heroic narratives that put us above all those challenges.
Can we, through self-expression, embrace who we are, all, everything, from the traits we show in the highlight to the darker and less valued traits of ourselves that we bury deep down in the shadow? Can we learn, through self-expression, to make space for others also to self-express and grow together (without the need for heroes) ?
“Neuroscience is teaching us that ‘self-expression’ might be one – if not the most important ways for people to connect, navigate and grow with each other.” – Judith Glaser
When we do so, we discover and learn to move from a state of protection to a state of partnering (with oneself and others). It is the place from where we ReNEW as we forge how we express (being, ideas, work...)
We learn about ourselves by expressing the core, the most intimate parts of ourselves and, by engaging in the creation of a narrative/language (an original and unique language to us) to express ourselves. As an artist, this is how I come, every day, to know who I am in a deeper way. Expressing those inquiries and facets that make the fabric of my whole self. Expressing and naming myself for myself, the most powerful (self)-discovery of all.
“The journey of self-discovery is the most important journey we can take” - De la Huerta
When we put our mental processes and our emotions into a physical form, like writing for example, we understand ourselves, what we feel and how we are wired more clearly. It isn’t about using logic (and only logic) to express ourselves but also bridging the creative and more emotional side of us to shape our language more consciously.
Can you allow the whole of you to express? Have you discovered what form of expression supports you the most? Can you allow others to do the same?
Arts support us to bridge our emotional and our logical facets into one whole identity. The process we go through to create art, to transform a mental image into something physical, is a reflection of our identity, a key step in self-discovery. We learn to refine our identity as we refine our expression.
“There is simply nothing that transforms your life as much as Self-Expression. Consciously open yourself to share your truth” D. Maniar
Can you journey artistically into your own expression? What will you discover?
My poetic invitation to you:
Let your heART be the pillow
The soft blanket welcoming you
Discover the seed of your heART
Water it with the ink of your pen
Witness something new sprouting
On the pages of your creative expression
Kimmerer said that with words at our disposal we can see more clearly and, that finding words is another step to learning to see. May you see yourself and find the ways to express what you see. May you make space to invite others to see and express what they see.
If you’re interested to learn more about our knowledge and experience and discuss how we could help through our consultancy, workshops, and talks, drop us a line at fateme@rnewb.com.
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