To live by a regula is to honor a rhythm, a melody that hums within all things. From Latin “regula”, means “straightedge” or “rule.” It’s the root of several modern words like “regular,” “regulation,” and “ruler.”
Philosophically, there are several key reasons why sticking to a regula can benefit everyone:
Order in Chaos —> The regula serves as a compass, helping one navigate the complexity of existence with purpose and clarity.
Cultivation of Virtue —> Virtue is achieved through consistent practice. A regula provides a framework for habit formation.
Freedom Through Discipline —> Paradoxically, rules can lead to greater freedom.
Resilience in Hardship —> During times of trial, a regula offers stability, it prevents us from being directionless when circumstances are challenging.
Self-Accountability —> A mirror for self-reflection, ensuring that our actions align with our values.
The regula is not a chain; it is a riverbank, guiding the flow of the water. Without it, life spills out, wild and chaotic, losing itself in deserts of distraction. It is not a rigidity imposed, but a whisper, a call to align with the pulse of existence.
When we embrace the regula, we stand tall within the storm. It is not the rule itself that binds us, but our refusal to hear its wisdom that leaves us unmoored. To follow a regula is to craft a sacred intimacy with discipline.
A regula is a mirror: it reveals where we falter, where we shine. It is forgiveness and challenge, at the same time. Through it, we remember that freedom is not in resisting form, but in trusting it. Within its embrace, we meet our truest selves, steady and flowing, as the river was always meant to run.
However, while the regula is important, to recognize that rules must be tools, not chains. A regula should serve us, evolving as needed while staying true to its core purpose.
What is your regula? Does it bring coherence, discipline, and meaning to your life?
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