Do you feel exhausted? Do you feel like living few steps ahead of yourself? Do you feel agitated? If your schedule or your obligations drive you, if your mind has taken over and, if you live by concepts rather than aliveness then, it is time to slow down.
“In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.” ~Mahatma Gandhi
Slowing down isn’t about taking a break.
Slowing down isn’t about doing less.
Slowing down isn’t about becoming lazy.
Until we keep applying the metrics of performance to our living we won’t be able to slow down. Even if we are refusing to do anything and dropping all our obligations. Why? Because our minds are still thinking in the quantitative terms of an assembly line. Because we are still measuring (or not) our doings in terms of performance.
Slowing down is the space to reconnect with ourselves.
Slowing down is immersing ourselves in the wonder of who we are.
Slowing down is attending to our being human.
You (and only you), know what slowing down means for you. You know what it means to meet yourself and the circumstances right here in this present moment.
When we slow down we meet, sense and feel our mind spinning with thoughts about the past or worries about the future with no need for analysing, judging, categorising, projecting…
When we slow down we learn how to observe instead of just seeing. As we learn how to observe we apprehend to feel.
When we slow down, we have the chance to tell the truth to ourselves.
Slowing down creates the space to get out of automatic programming and habits so we can choose differently. Slowing down creates the space to Breathe, Be, Allow, Rest… In the stillness of who we are. Slowing down allows us to learn what moves inside and outside us.
Simply ask yourself, in this very moment: Where am I now? What am I experiencing?
This is where living begins.
This is where expansion begins.
This is where integrity begins.
I invite you to slow down and stop the glorification of performance, it is an act of self-leadership.
From The Whisper - Leader.
You will never know till you stand up
There is enough space within you
Space to contain the multitudes
Stand up
Speak up
Say no
No to fragmentation
No to moving faster
Slow down
Know your multitudes
Learn what moves inside and outside them
Turn towards the truth
Stand up
Speak up
The Whisper said
I want to talk business in rhyme.
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