We are standing at the edge of hope, trust, possibilities…
The whole future lies in uncertainty yet we endlessly try to predict it so we can find confort in the illusion of control. Despite the rise of advanced algorithms, prediction machines, super human intelligence, we stumbled in the un-preparedness of our constant distractions while clinging to the same old same way...
"This is the greatest damn thing about the universe, we can know so much, recognise so much, dissect, do everything, and we can’t grasp it." Henry Miller
After decades of talking about VUCA finally we are understanding what that really means. After decades of talking about Globalisation finally we get a glimpse of its impact. After endless talks and papers on Leadership finally we understand what that really looks like.
Eventually we are faced with the limits of those constructs, models and, systems that we have hustled so hard to engineer and that cannot enter uncharted muddy complex intricacies.
What does it take to have the courage to immerse ourselves in the deep waters of the unknown?
What does it take to start looking inward and outward like an artist (or even better an heARTist) and sense what yet has to emerge?
What does it take to listen to the uncertainty of what wants to emerge?
Clearly, we cannot get to a future worth inhabiting through separating patterns. Our greatest task is to rethink (re-sense, re-feel, re-imagine) our understanding of community and move from protectionism to openness. It takes surrendering to inspired actions in emergence. It takes to sit there at the edge and, make art from the heART. At the heart of it we uncover the unity of life and the connectedness of the universe. We participate in a world where change is all there is.
The evolution of humankind as well as of other species, progresses from relationships, not from the harsh and lonely dynamics of survival of the fittest. Species that decide to ignore interconnectedness, that act in greedy and rapacious ways, simply die off.
One cannot exist without the other, that it is only in relationship that one can fulfil existential purpose of one.
We sit in the midst of continuous creation, in a universe whose creativity and adaptability are beyond comprehension. The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning - I. B. Priest . May this be the beginning of something new which has been “dying” to emerge: our heART.
How do we let then the emergent lead us to a reNEWed world? We need to start practicing what is essential. This global crisis is a reminder of how distracted we have been from what is essential.
What is essential to me are the fundamental practices of connecting to the being human in relationship with the world:
Listening deeply to the undercurrent. With listening comes the capacity to discern between the noise of distraction and the essential.
Sensing (like artists do) to what wants to emerge so we can prepare as we practice our “humanship” (different than planning).
Creating models, systems, new paradigms that care for the wellbeing of all rather than the supremacy of few.
What if, the essential changes we crave for, came not from governments, businesses or society but from us? What if, we came together as inspired communities practicing the art of listening, sensing, creating for the heart of emergence?
If you’re interested to learn more about our knowledge and experience and discuss how we could help through our consultancy, workshops, and talks, drop us a line at fateme@rnewb.com.
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