We've talked before about creativity and creative economy, and how important creativity is for the future of work. We know that creativity isn't about quick solutions, instead is a process to question old assumptions.
Creative thinking is not something we can do at will and that often happens in silence and solitude leading to the discovery of new paths and connections. These paths and connections are literally new pathways in the brain: neuroplasticity - the capacity of the brain to continue to form new connections and neural pathways.
The bad news is that the brain isn't going to form new pathways when challenged or pressured. Up until recently science and scientist haven’t been interested in inspiration. In fact, inspiration has a long history, originally thought of as coming from divine forces. In ancient Greece, the Muses were goddesses who inspired the creation of literature and the arts by speaking directly with the human creators themselves. But, now that we know more about the science of it and the brain neuroplasticity, how do we open up to the Muses and the divine forces talking to us to increase our chances of finding inspiration? This is how I do it: 45 seconds to explain my process to boost inspiration in the video below.
Mine is a practice to remain open to inspiration. It is about preparing myself as the fertile soil for creative ideas to bloom. I believe that inspiration is natural to us, we have to learn how to let it through. The Oxford English dictionary defines inspiration literally as "the action, or an act, of breathing in or inhaling". The figurative meaning is then:
"A breathing in or infusion of some idea, purpose, etc. in to the mind: the suggestion, awakening, or creation of some feeling or impulse, especially of an exalted kind".
How can you breathe more inspiration when you are in need of a brilliant idea? These are some tips you can apply to breathe deeper and encourage inspiration:
Indulge in wander: Give yourself time every day to stop and day-dream. It is ideal to do so while in nature as it has a calming and relaxing effect on our body and mind.
Play: remember when you were a child and you could play with almost everything. You didn’t need fancy toys, all you needed was freedom and inspiration would come to help you create your own toys. Reconnect with that feeling and approach to life with playfulness.
Exercise: when our bodies are busy sweating our creative side of the brain awakens. Have you ever experienced a block and then went for a run or a swim and suddenly the solution to your challenge came to you? When we exercise we take ourselves away from the thoughts about the past and the future and concentrate on a physical task that exists only in the moment. It is in the moment that inspiration is found.
Let inspiration come through you, do not chase it. But remember to prepare yourself. You are the vessel through which it comes and moves.
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